New risks - new solutions

There is no doubt that the digitalisation of society and the economy is about to revolutionise the world of work. However, the digital revolution not only offers opportunities, but also increasingly poses security risks. For companies, cyber threats are one of the new major risks of the 21st century. Hacker attacks, cyber blackmail and the intentional or unintentional installation of malicious software by employees cause damage to companies running into the millions every year. With our cyber programme, we offer you customised protection for your infrastructure and communication channels – covering everything from prevention to actual claims.

Cyber insurance scope of services

Liability claims

  • Protection in the event of third-party claims for damages
  • Protection against involuntary violation of data protection and confidentiality regulations
  • Assumption of the costs of proceedings and defence

Business interruption

  • Loss of revenue and additional costs resulting from cyber attacks or data loss


  • Unauthorised use of the telephone system
  • Hacking and manipulation of online banking
  • Cyber fraud

Own damage

  • Additional costs after data theft or data loss
  • Costs of informing customers
  • Reconstruction of lost or damaged data
  • Recovery and repair of damaged software
  • Cyber extortion and possible payment of the extortion claim
  • Crisis management and emergency costs

FAQ zu Cyber Risk Versicherungen

Welche Arten von Cyber Angriffen gibt es?
  • Denial of Service (DoS)-Angriff
  • Trojaner / Ransomware / Malware
  • Phishing
  • Interne Sabotagen eigener Mitarbeitenden
  • Fahrlässig handelnde Mitarbeitende
  • Erpressungsforderungen
Welche Schäden können Cyber Attacken anrichten?
  • Systemausfälle
  • Verlust von Daten
  • Gewinnausfall infolge Betriebsunterbruch
  • Forensik
  • Notifikationsmanagement (DSGVO – Busse bei nicht anmelden)
  • Reputationsschäden
  • Forderungen von Dritten
  • Persönlichkeits- und Datenschutzverletzungen
  • Kosten für Erpressungsforderungen

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